03 Mar, 2009

Updates on Youtube AMV: Copyright Infringement? Ads?

Posted by: admin In: APOC


4 Responses to "Updates on Youtube AMV: Copyright Infringement? Ads?"

1 | Andrew Schrock

March 4th, 2009 at 16:22


I am certain that YouTube has not “given up blocking content.” But rather the owners of the copyright chose to allow fair use of content through fan tributes of the type you created.

2 | Clint

March 5th, 2009 at 11:48


Yep, I think Andrew’s right. Trying posting a song from a Warner music artist and see what happens.

Anime producers must be smart enough to throw down the hammer.

3 | Sonya

March 9th, 2009 at 13:29


The audio on my YouTube video for this class was disabled because of the TWG- they have a new option where you can swap out for audio from a list of free songs. This sort of eased the sting, but it was still an inconvenient surprise for me.

4 | ScrewYouCorporateTube

April 23rd, 2009 at 07:26


CorporateTube has gone too far IMO. Time and time agian they piss on us users. How is it YOUtube when its CORPORATEtube now? We can’t upload SHIT without it being pulled.

TO hell with this. I’ve deleted my accounts on FagTube and so have 100s of others. Time to move on and go elsewhere.

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Welcome to my blog! I am an APOC student at the University of Southern California, and the truth is that this blog is part of my course requirement. However, I will do my best to make it as useful and informative as possible, and be more active on this blog than any of my other blogs...

I love tweaking with Wordpress layouts and web design in general, so maybe I will post some tips and links to resources and sites I like. I will try my best not to bring in too much from the anime and manga industry (and you know I am a big fan if you check out my anime list), though I am a believer that fan culture strives on the internet more than any other channel, and the study of fan culture is one of the topics that really fascinates me.

I also playes video games (like wow), loves to travel and I consider myself an ill-informed food snob. So enjoy your visit!

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