13 Apr, 2009

Registering a domain name- Intro

Posted by: admin In: tips

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02 Mar, 2009

My first AMV- Irresponsible Captain Tylor

Posted by: admin In: APOC

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01 Mar, 2009

What is your homepage?

Posted by: admin In: APOC

17 Feb, 2009

How virtual worlds take over my life…

Posted by: admin In: Rant

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13 Feb, 2009

Kogi BBQ!— The new business model

Posted by: admin In: APOC

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30 Jan, 2009

I am an INTP

Posted by: admin In: Rant


28 Jan, 2009

Joe’s take on Tuesday’s class

Posted by: admin In: APOC

26 Jan, 2009

Innovative advertising

Posted by: admin In: Uncategorized

  • bullshit1000: Sorry for the typo. Also, MBTI is basically bullshit. I am mostly an introvert but there are times when I am geniunely enjoying being an extrovert. MB
  • yourFACE1000: IF you are not social uncomfortable then you CANNOT be an INTP. Sorry. Also, if you never lose things, that doesn't rule it out, but greatly reduces t
  • Martin Fisher: <> This is something that is widely misunderstood. Your 'score' doesn't define your position on some scale of introversion/extraversion. Ther


Welcome to my blog! I am an APOC student at the University of Southern California, and the truth is that this blog is part of my course requirement. However, I will do my best to make it as useful and informative as possible, and be more active on this blog than any of my other blogs...

I love tweaking with Wordpress layouts and web design in general, so maybe I will post some tips and links to resources and sites I like. I will try my best not to bring in too much from the anime and manga industry (and you know I am a big fan if you check out my anime list), though I am a believer that fan culture strives on the internet more than any other channel, and the study of fan culture is one of the topics that really fascinates me.

I also playes video games (like wow), loves to travel and I consider myself an ill-informed food snob. So enjoy your visit!

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